Top 10 Soundtracks from 2009

My pursuit to Top-10-listify my favourite film soundtracks of the past decade has hit the late naughts. Enjoy below in both oral and written formats.

Audio Podcast


  1. Welcome to Lunar Industries, Moon - Clint Mansell
  2. Infinite White, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Steve Jablonsky
  3. Married Life, Up - Michael Giacchino
  4. Dumbledore’s Farewell, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Nicholas Hooper
  5. New Moon, The Twilight Saga: New Moon - Alexandre Desplat
  6. Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns, Star Trek - Michael Giacchino
  7. Jake Enters His Avatar World, Avatar - James Horner
  8. Dragonball Evolution, Dragonball Evolution - Brian Tyler
  9. Logan Through Time, X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Harry Gregson-Williams
  10. 160 BPM, Angels & Demons - Hans Zimmer

Additional Track:

  • Wizard Wheezes, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Nicholas Hooper
  • A Christmas Carol Main Title, A Christmas Carol - Alan Silvestri

Yours outwittingly, T