A few days ago the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra released their fifth piece, “The Impossible Astronaut (Suite)”, which is a collection of Murray Gold’s music from “The Impossible Astronaut” and “Day of the Moon” episodes. This is an incredible collaboration, and here are the reasons you should check out the DWFO:
By The Fans, For The Fans There aren’t many fan bases that could pull off something like this. It is an example of the huge scope of Doctor Who fans and their passionate commitment to the show. These are all people just like you and me from all over the world, whipping out an instrument and creating something very special.
It’s Hard Work Everyone involved in DWFO spends incredible amounts of time and effort putting together each piece, but none more than the creator, Stephen Willis. Imagine the work it must take to not only put together and distribute sheet music for a range of instruments, but also compile hundreds of submissions into a high quality audio and video production.
I’m In It That’s how nice and accepting this group of people are, they even let me take part! In the latest piece you might be able to spot me playing the piano and donning a bow tie.
It’s Great Music Who doesn’t love Murray Gold’s work on Doctor Who? The music he creates is incredibly beautiful and exciting. Stephen Willis’ arrangements in the DWFO capture this with astounding quality, when you consider that he is receiving hundreds of part submissions of varying quality from all over the world. Each of the five pieces performed by the DWFO so far have included superb selections of Murray Gold’s score.
So what are you waiting for? Check out the DWFO’s latest piece here:
Yours momentarily, Thoroughmas